Red On line (COM)

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Public Consultation on Sustainability Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

On 22 January 2024, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) published 2 exposure drafts on European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for SMEs. The consultation period is open until 21…

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European work council

Commission opens feedback period to review the European Works Councils (EWCs) Directive towards strengthening their role.

From 26 January to March 2024, a feedback period is open on the site of the European Commission on a potential future revision of the European Works Council (EWCs) Directive,…

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Launch of Ireland’s 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan

On 25th January 2024, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage published the 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan 2023 – 2030. The plan aims to restore biodiversity across Ireland,…

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Spring Legislative Programme – EHS

On 16th January 2024, the Government’s Chief Whip, Minister Naughton published the 2024 Spring Legislative Programme, which contains 46 priority bills for publication and drafting in the Spring Dáil session.EHS…

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EU laws

Commencement of the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023

Following the UK’s exit from the European Union, the government retained over 5000 EU laws with the plan to revoke them all in December 2023. In June 2023, the UK…

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Formal enactment of 12 sector-agnostic European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) into the European legislation

On 22 December 2023, “Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2772 of 31 July 2023 supplementing Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards sustainability reporting standards” was…

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ue flag

Adjustments of the size criteria for micro, small, medium-sized and large undertakings or groups published

Adjustments of the size criteria for micro, small, medium-sized and large undertakings or groups published On 21 December 2023, the Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2023/2775 was published in the Official…

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EU establishes a single access point to publicly available financial and non-financial information

On 20 December 2023, Regulation (EU) 2023/2859, Directive (EU) 2023/2864 and Regulation (EU) 2023/2869 were published in the Official Journal of the European Union, establishing the European Single Access Point…

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Transposition of the CSRD directive: definition of obligations to publish and certify sustainability information

Order No. 2023-1142 of 6 December 2023 transposes into French law Directive (EU) 2022/2464 of 14 December 2022 known as the CSRD (corporate sustainability reporting directive) regarding corporate sustainability reporting.…

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The TRBS 1201 standard “Testing of work equipment and equipment requiring supervision” has been supplemented to include the inspection of lift systems

On 9 November 2023, amendment to the TRBS 1201 standard, part 4, "Inspection of Lift Systems" was published in the Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt (Joint Ministerial Gazette - official publication of the…

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