Red On line (COM)


SEC Delays Implementation of its Climate Disclosure Rule

In the April 12, 2024 issue of the Federal Register the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) indefinitely delayed its Climate-Related Disclosure rule. The rule, originally intended to become effective on…

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OSHA: Extended Comment Period for Proposed New Rule for Emergency Response Standard

On March 28, 2024, in the Federal Register, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published notice of the extension of the comment period for the proposed new safety and…

  • EHS Newsletter
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Taxonomie comptable

Worldwide: IFRS Accounting Taxonomy 2024

On 27th March 2024, the IFRS Foundation published the IFRS Accounting Taxonomy 2024, which facilitates the digital reporting of financial information in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards. Companies can use…

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Pénurie main d'oeuvre et compétences

EU publishes the Action Plan to combat Labour and Skills Shortages

On 20nd March 2024, the European Commission published the „Labour and skills shortages in the EU: an action plan“. The Action Plan outlines steps to be taken by the EU,…

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Violence et harcelement

EU: Member States are encouraged to ratify the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019

On 2nd April 2024, the „Council Decision (EU) 2024/1018 of 25 March 2024 inviting Member States to ratify the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No 190) of the International Labour…

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Rapport de durabilité

EFRAG publishes the 2nd Q&A Explanations

On 1st March 2024, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) published the second set of 12 Explanations to questions submitted via the EFRAG ESRS Q&A Platform.EFRAG launched in 2023…

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Stages en entreprise

Improving the quality of the traineeships : new draft texts presented by the Commission

On 20 March 2024, the European Commission announced the publication of a Draft Directive on improving and enforcing working conditions of trainees and combating regular employment relationships disguised as traineeships…

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Sustainability Reporting Standards

EFRAG: Educational videos on Sustainability Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and public consultation on the draft XBRL Taxonomy for ESRS Set 1

Educational videosOn 20th February 2024, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) published educational videos on the 2 exposure drafts on European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for SMEs, which are…

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political agreement

Political agreement reached on working conditions for platform workers

The Council and the European Parliament have reached an interim decision regarding the Directive on improving working conditions in platform work. The proposed Directive would establish requirements for classifying employment…

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Green claims directive

Proposal for Green Claims Directive

In the future, traders would be required to comply with additional requirements to combat the greenwashing of products. Companies would be required to submit environmental marketing claims for verification before…

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