Environmental risk assessments (EHS)
Identify, classify, correct: three steps to determine and prioritize environmental risks and guarantee continuous improvement.
Gain a clear vision of the environmental impact your sites generate, including the type of impact and which business activities are responsible. Collect reliable data and take the necessary action to comply with the ISO 14001 standard. Use these valuable indicators in internal and external communications.
Key strengths
Features to simplify your environmental risk assessments
All-in-One by Red-on-line: a comprehensive and global solution
Sanne Freymann
Quality Director
It’s twofold: I implement solutions to ensure the quality aspect for clients and I collaborate with other Red-on-line experts internationally to share knowledge on a global scale.
With the impact of climate change on health and the environment, Red-on-line has a role to play with other organizations in the future, to support them locally and globally.
My role
Facilitate, deploy, train, support.
François-Cyril Bourse
Product Owner
Prioritization and coordination of different subjects to manage them according to the rhythm, it’s close to a dance sequence when I think about it.
If Red-on-line continues with this dynamic of international expansion, it is a safe bet that we will remain one of the market leaders in the coming years.
My role
Manage, assist, train, contribute.