Report on the English Air Quality Published –
- Emission and concentrations of most air pollutants has steadily decreased in recent decades Whilst UK emissions are legally meeting EU limits, there remains exception with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in a number of different urban areas Particulate matters PM2.5 and PM10 are within the legal limits, however pose a concern for human health in a number of different locations
- 5.3% of all total mortality is attributable to particulate pollution in 2016
- 95% of all England’s nitrogen-sensitive habitats are adversely impacted by nitrogen deposition (3% reduction since 1996), whilst of acid-sensitive habitats 59% are affected by acidification (17% reduction from 1996)
- Emission reduction targets for 2030 will not be met for ammonia, nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds, sulphur dioxide and PM2.5 based on current projects and current actions