Webinar: Psychological health and safety at work focusing on ISO 45003:2021
Mental health is an important aspect of EHS but what are the keys to a psychologically safer workplace?
Safety and flexibility are core concerns for employees and represent key opportunities to support mental health during the on-site return. Indeed, some employees report that returning to on-site work impacted their mental health.
To answer this question and help you develop your EHS strategy we are hosting an exclusive webinar onPsychological health and safety at work focusing on ISO 45003:2021
Our experts will discuss:
– The implications of occupational psychosocial risk
– Content of the ISO Standard
– Benefits of adopting the standard
– Practical tips and roadmaps to implement the standard
We will answer your questions during the Q&A session and present tools to improve your EHS strategy.
Click here and join us and Keith Rhodes, Health and Safety Consultant and Chartered Fellow of IOSH for our 60 minutes webinar “Psychological health and safety at work focusing on ISO 450003:2021 ”, next September 16th at 2 p.m. (BST).
An exclusive webinar by Red-on-line