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Publication of an updated guide to international labour standards [Intl]

In July 2014, the International Labour Organization (ILO) published the second edition of its guide to international labour standards. The guide is divided into three sections: 1) summaries of the international labour standards; 2) the ILO and its international labour standards procedures; 3) summaries of three ILO Declarations relating to international labour standards. Furthermore, the annex lists all international labour standards by subject and status.

As a reminder, on 25 February 2013, ILO published a “Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations”. This report monitors the application of conventions and recommendations of the ILO in its Member States. It gives indications on the extent of progress in the application of international labour standards.

Sources : International Labour Organization, “Guide to international labour standards”, July 2014

Link to the ILO Guide to international labour standards – July 2014

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