Fracking: The Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) calls for quick regulation [DE]
The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) finds that Germany should not allow fracking for the extraction of shale and coal gas, as long as major risks cannot be reliably predicted and controlled. It points to the example of the problem regarding treatment of the so-called “flowback” (drilling fluid containing chemicals), which has not yet been resolved.
A press release of the Bundestag of the same day, notifying the publication of a report of the Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment on “Challenges of a Sustainable Water Management” dated 10 July 2014 (document number 18/2085), also points to the risks of fracking.
Sources :
Link to UBA Press Conference Nr. 33/2014, July 30, 2014
Link to Bundestages Press Conderence, July 30, 2014
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