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UK government updated official guidance on how you must control and monitor emissions

UK government updated official guidance on how you must control and monitor emissions from your activities that may cause pollution, when you need to do an environmental risk assessment, when the Environment Agency will do it for you, and how to do a risk assessment on February 2020, this update consists of additional information related to biowaste and bioaerosols to provide important information for waste treatment activities. Content includes: Control and monitor emissions for your environmental permit:
  • how to monitor emissions from your activity
  • how to operate within any emissions limits that you might get in your permit
  • what to do if the Environment Agency tell you that you’re causing pollution
  • what to do if you need to write a plan for emissions, odour, noise and vibration or pest management
Risk assessment for an environmental permit:
  • when you do or do not need to do a risk assessment
  • when the environment agency can do your risk assessment for you
  • how to do a risk assessment
  • how to check for protected sites and species
Source: Control and monitor emissions for your environmental permit published on 17 February 2020 on UK government website Risk assessments for your environmental permit published on 18 February 2020 on UK government website  

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