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The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland publishes Annual Report for 2022 to 2023


On 26th October 2023, The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) published its Annual Report for 2022-23 outlining workplace incidents, prosecutions and reporting statistics.

The report highlights the incident reporting statistics, HSENI targets and annual accounts.The information below sets out the changes since the 2021-22 report in relation to incident reporting:- decrease in fatal accidents from 19 to 10;- decrease in major injuries from 239 to 233;- increase in three-day incidents from 1859 to 1910;- increase in reportable injuries from 1797 to 1910.The HSENI conducted 5108 inspections which was a significant increase on the previous year. They have successfully prosecuted 18 companies/individuals for health and safety failures, totalling fines of £522,500.Further information and a link to the report can be found here.

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