UK | Covid-19: The Heath and Safety Executive continues spot inspections across the UK
- #COVID-19
- #Inspection
- #Risk Assessment

As more and more businesses prepare to reopen, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has started spot inspections to verify Covid-19 readiness in businesses.
With more employees returning to their place of work, the HSE has started spot inspections to inspect businesses to insure that they have put in place measures to protect their employees in the workplace and that either risk assessments have been updated to reflect COVID related risks or that a specific risk assessment has been done concerning Coronavirus risks.
To help with this both the HSE and governments have provided guidance on making your workplace COVID secure.
- The HSE has published a template for a Covid-19 risk assessment. For general guidance on working safely during the coronavirus outbreak click here
- Find Government Guidance here for England, Wales, Scotland (under businesses, work places and self-employed people) and Northern Ireland. There you will find general and sector-specific guidance on making your workplace Covid-19 secure.
- HSE Workright Campaign for Covid 19 on Spot inspections
- HSE Covid 19 Risk assessment
- HSE Covid-19 Workplace Safety
- England, Return to Work
- Welsh government, Business and Employers:Coronavirus Subtopic
- Scottish Government: Coronavirus in Scotland
- Northern Ireland (NI Direct) Regulations Guidance:work and Business