New separation of waste legislation in England

As of 30 June 2024, the Separation of Waste (England) Regulations 2024 came into force which placed a mandatory requirement for commercial and households to separate their recyclables from other waste. The purpose of this Regulation is to increase recycling rates and to reduce contamination. Definitions The legislation is both applicable to household and commercial waste. Household waste is waste from a domestic property and is referred to in the legislation as ‘household waste’. Commercial waste is waste arising from a premises used as a trade or business and is referred to in this legislation as ‘recyclable relevant waste’ as described in section 45AZB of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 . Key requirements As of 30 June 2024, businesses and households have a legal duty to separate waste into categories. Previously, this was recommended under The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 however, it has now become a mandatory requirement under The Separation of Waste (England) Regulations 2024. Waste must be separated into the following categories: Recyclables Paper & cardboard Glass Metals Plastics Organic Waste Food waste General Waste Non-recyclable waste. If required a contracting service should be established to ensure licensed waste carries collect and dispose of separated waste. Non-compliance of the regulations may result in fines or penalties. |