Working From Home: Employers’ Health and Safety Responsibilities

The risk assessment should consider the following questions:
- What work activity will your employees be doing from home (and for how long)?
- Can the work be done safely?
- What are the control measures required to protect employees working from home?
- How, as an employer, will you keep in touch with employees?
Specific hazards associated with home working
Use of display screen equipment
Employers continue to have the same health and safety responsibilities for home workers as for any other employees including a duty to comply with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 designed to protect employees from risks associated with the use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE). The Display Screen Equipment) Regulations are only applicable to employers whose employees regularly use DSE for continuous periods of an hour or more, and the key duties resting on the employer is to:- assess the workstation and reduce the risks
- provide an eye test if an employee requests one
- provide information, instruction and training to employees on the risks associated with using DSE equipment including guidance on how to set up their workstation correctly