EPA releases assessment of pesticide chlorpyrifos showing risk to workers [US]
#Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
#Health & Safety
EPA has published a revised assessment of the pesticide chlorpyrifos for public comment on the potential for health risks. The assessment notes that workers who handle chlorpyrifos pesticide products are at a heightened risk of health problems. EPA will be accepting public comment for 60 days from the date that the revised assessment is published in the federal register.
Risk assessment on the potential for human health risk
EPA has released its risk assessment on the potential for human health risk for the pesticide chlorpyrifos, and will be accepting public comment on the report and the potential for heightened use restrictions. The assessment identifies risks to workers who mix, load, and apply chlorpyrifos pesticide products.
According to the risk assessment, when used in large amounts, chlorpyrifos may pose risks to drinking water sources and to workers who directly handle the pesticide. The report found no additional risks from pesticide exposure in food or exposures to bystanders and workers from airborne chlorpyrifos.
Restrictions of the use of the pesticide and increase of worker safety requirements
EPA may take additional measures to restrict the use of the pesticide and highten worker safety requirements for those working around areas treated with chlorpyrifos. EPA has been restricting the use of chlorpyrifos since 2002, first banning it from most household uses, and since restricting its use on various crops. EPA expects to release a final report later in 2015.
EPA will accept comments for 60 days following the date that the risk assessment is published in the federal register.
Red-on-line EHS Legal Counsel
Sources :
EPA’s revised risk assessment Press release.