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Poland | COVID-19 | Current rules and restrictions and the next stage of their loosening

You need keys to understand this complicated time and to act efficiently. Red-on-line is here to help you: we offer current international regulation updates about Covid-19.   On 2nd May 2020 it has been published in the Official Journal, a new Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 2nd May 2020 on the establishment of specific restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of the state of the epidemic (O.J.2020.792 with further amendments). It replaced the previous Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 19th April 2020 on the establishment of specific restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of the state of the epidemic (O.J.2020.697). The new regulation contains provisions transferred from the previous regulation but brings loosed rules after crossing the border, rules of safety in trade, exporting of medical equipment and some personal protective equipment. The government also published a press release “We endure further restrictions – on May 18 you will go to a hairdresser, cosmetician and restaurant” informing about the next abolished rules and maintaining border controls (while until 15th May this year, no relevant regulation has been published yet).   Sources: Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 2 maja 2020 r. w sprawie ustanowienia określonych ograniczeń, nakazów i zakazów w związku z wystąpieniem stanu epidemii (Dz.U.2020.792). 02.05.2020r. Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 7 maja 2020 r. zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie ustanowienia określonych ograniczeń, nakazów i zakazów w związku z wystąpieniem stanu epidemii (Dz.U.2020.820).07.05.2020r. Komunikat prasowy “Znosimy kolejne ograniczenia – 18 maja pójdziesz do fryzjera, kosmetyczki i restauracji”, 13.05.2020r.

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