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Africa | COVID-19 | Legal Watch: May 2020

You need keys to understand this complicated time and to act efficiently. Red-on-line is here to help you: we offer current international regulation updates about Covid-19.  

GABON Flag: Gabon on Facebook 4.0

  • COVID-19: Promulgation of Decree No. 00100PRPM of April 10, 2020 declaring a state of emergency in the Gabonese Republic (as amended on April 25, 2020)
  • COVID-19 : Promulgation du Décret n°00100PRPM du 10 avril 2020 portant déclaration de l’état d’urgence en République Gabonaise (tel que modifie le 25 Avril 2020)
On April 10, 2020, the Gabonese Government published Decree No. 00100PRPM of April 10, 2020, declaring a state of emergency in the Gabonese Republic in relation to COVID-19. This Decree has been modified and extended by Decree No. 001126/PR/PM published in the official gazette of April 25, 2020. The Government by this decree declares a state of emergency in the Gabonese Republic for the purpose of prevention, fight, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The state of emergency was first declared throughout the territory for a period of 15 days from April 09, 2020. It is now extended for a period of fifteen days from April 26, 2020.
  • COVID-19: Obligation to wear a mask in public places during the duration of the state of emergency
  • COVID-19: Port obligatoire du masque dans les lieux publics pendant la durée de l’état d’urgence
Le Gouvernement a publié l’arrêté n°0020/MS/MI du 20 avril 2020 instituant le port obligatoire du masque dans les lieux publics pendant la durée de l’état d’urgence lie au COVID-19. Cette obligation s’applique à toute personne présente dans un lieu public et ce masque doit pouvoir couvrir le nez et la bouche de celui qui le porte. Le défaut de porte de masque expose à des sanctions. L’état d’urgence sur toute l’étendue du territoire est prolonge pour une durée de quinze jours à compter du 26 Avril 2020.
The Government has published Order No.0020/MS/MI on April 20, 2020 establishing the compulsory wear of masks in public places during the duration of the state of emergency linked to COVID-19. This obligation applies to anyone present in a public place and this mask must be able to cover the nose and mouth of the wearer. Failure to wear a mask exposes to sanctions. The state of emergency throughout the territory is extended for a period of fifteen days from April 26, 2020.
Sources:Arrêté n°0020/MS/MI du 20 avril 2020 instituant le port obligatoire du masque dans les lieux publics pendant la durée de l’état d’urgence lie au COVID-19 ________________
  • COVID-19: Designation of essential services and personnel during the state of emergency
  • COVID-19: Désignation des services et personnels essentiels pendant l’etat d’urgence
On April 10, 2020, the Gabonese Government published Decree No. 00106/PR /MEFPTFPDS designating essential services and personnel in the public sector and deprived of duty during the state of emergency related to COVID 19. This decree defines by essential service, any service is indispensable for the regular and interrupted functioning of state services and the economic and social life of the nation.

SENEGAL Flag: Senegal on Facebook 4.0

  •  COVID-19 : Restrictive measures in the transport sector to combat Covid-19
  • COVID-19: Mesures de restriction dans le secteur des transports terrestres pour la lutte contre le Covid-19
The Senegalese Government published Arrête n°8231 of March 25, 2020, on the restrictive measures in the transport sector for the fight against Covid-19. This Act provides the restrictive measures taken in the transport sector in relation to Covid-19. The government aims by this act to limit the risks of Covid-19 spread.

SOUTH AFRICA Flag: South Africa on Facebook 4.0

  • COVID-19: New Directive on Occupational Health and Safety Measures In Workplaces
On April 28, 2020, the Minister of Employment and Labor published the Covid-19 Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Workplaces Covid-19 (C19 Ohs), 2020 Directive. The purpose of this Directive is to provide measures that must be taken by employers in order to protect the health and safety of workers and members of the public who enter their workplaces or are exposed to their working activities. This Directive remains in force for as long as the declaration of a national disaster remains in force. These directive is compulsory and can be used along with the guidelines for employers to deal with COVID-19 at workplaces that was issued on March 17, 2020.
Sources:Covid-19 Occupational Health and Safety Measures In Workplaces Covid-19 (C19 Ohs), 2020 ________________
  • COVID-19 Emergency Regulations by the Department of Transport
In the Government Gazette No. 43103 of March 18, 2020, the Department of Transport published a new port-related Regulations to aid in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 through the country’s seaports. The National Ports Act (COVID-19 Restrictions on the movement of persons and crew) Regulations, 2020, was enacted under sections 80(1) (g) of the National Ports Act, 2005 (Act No. 12 of 2005).
Sources:The National Ports Act (COVID-19 Restrictions on the movement of persons and crew) Regulations, 2020 (Government Gazette No. 43103 of March 18, 2020)

NIGERIA Flag: Nigeria on Facebook 4.0

  • COVID-19: Guidelines For Handling Infectious Waste Within The Context Of Coronavirus
The National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) published on its website Guidelines for handling infectious waste within the context of coronavirus. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance on how to handle all materials such as personal protective equipment (PPE) used for the purposes of treatment of COVID-19. These materials are considered infectious waste.
Sources:Guidelines for handling infectious waste within the context of Coronavirus ________________
  • COVID-19: Guidelines for handling chemicals used for disinfecting surfaces against Coronavirus
The National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) published on its website Guidelines for handling chemicals used for disinfecting surfaces against Coronavirus. The purpose of this guidelines is to ensure environmentally sustainable use of chemicals during the global pandemic of COVID. The guidelines provide recommendations for handling formulations and spraying of contaminated surfaces, guidance on how to prepare disinfectant solutions and on how to collect and store chemical waste.
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