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Notification of technical Rule TRGS 509 on storage of hazardous substances in stationary & transportable vessels [DE]

On 19 November 2014 the text of the Technical Rule for Hazardous Substances TRGS 509 regarding the “storage of hazardous substances in stationary vessels as well as filling and emptying stations for transportable vessels” was notifed through the publication of a notice of Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) of 30 September 2014, published in the Joint Ministerial Gazette (Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt) number 66/67.

Please note: certain dangerous substances such as organic peroxides or gases are excluded from its scope of application (for details see under section 1 (2) of the text). The text further does not apply to the transfer of hazardous substances from one transportable container to another.

Source : Bekanntmachung des BMAS vom 30. September 2014 mit dem Text der TRGS 509

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