Environmental monitoring and assessment : EPA Proposes Electronic Reporting Rule for New Source Performance Standards [US]
- #Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Submit & maintain electronic records of Air emissions reports
The amendment would also allow affected facilities to maintain electronic records of these reports. Any facility that is required to submit reports pursuant to its industry’s NSPS would be affected by this rulemaking. Public comments on the proposed rule are being accepted until May 19, 2015.Reducing the burden and assist in the protection of public health
Continuing the current trend of moving toward electronic data submission and reporting, the EPA is proposing to amend the NSPS regulations to allow facilities to submit required documents electronically. EPA states that this measure will reduce the burden of submission on the regulated community and will ultimately assist in the protection of public health by making data easier to obtain and transmit. Under current 40 CFR Part 60 regulations, which apply to new, modified and reconstructed facilities in specific source categories, most facilities must routinely keep records and submit air emissions data reports in paper format. Such documents include summary reports, excess emission reports, performance test reports, and performance evaluation reports, which must then be sent to the EPA and delegated state or local agencies.No beside additional reporting requirements
This proposal would require facilities subject to such NSPS requirements to submit these required documents electronically to the EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) at, rather than submitting them in paper format. Notably, this rule imposes no additional reporting requirements besides the requirement to submit electronically. Furthermore, NSPS that do not require the submission of any air emissions data reports are not affected by this rule. A list of the industry-specific NSPS that would be affected by this rulemaking are published in the March 20, 2015 issue of the Federal Register. If adopted, the rule will be implemented by EPA in phases to transition toward the NSPS electronic submission system. Public comments on the proposed rule are being accepted until May 19, 2015. The EPA may also conduct a public hearing on April 6, 2015 from 1:00 P.M. (EST) to 5:00 P.M. (EST) at the EPA building located at 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Park, N.C. 27711.Red-on-line EHS Legal specialist
Proposed Rule: Electronic Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for New Source Performance Standards, 80 FR 15099, March 20, 2015, (amending 40 CFR 60). 40 CFR Part 60