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EPA announces funding availability to cleanup diesel engines [US]

The U.S. EPA’s Diesel Emission Reduction Program (DERA) is making $9 million in grant funding available for clean diesel projects that reduce diesel pollution and emissions. The program aims to target the most cost-effective projects and is focusing on improving the efficiency of fleets operating in areas designated as poor air quality areas.

While very efficient, diesel engines emit air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate natter (PM), pollutants that are linked to a range of serious health problems. EPA is seeking to award between 10 and 20 assistance grants to various projects that will achieve diesel emission reductions. Certain strategies it is looking for include installing verified exhaust control and idle reduction devices as well as vehicle and engine replacement. Projects may include school buses, transit buses, heavy-duty diesel trucks, marine engines, locomotives, and other diesel engines. More information is available on the EPA website, and the Request for Proposals is available in the sources section.

Sources :  EPA DERA National Funding Grants Homepage

EPA DERA Request For Proposal

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