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US: EPA Proposes Update to Test Methods and Performance Specifications for Air Emission Sources

In the December 13, 2019 issue of the Federal Register, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed corrections and updates to regulations for source testing of emissions. The purpose of the proposed rule changes is to correct inaccurate testing provisions, update outdated procedures, and approve alternative procedures. Public comment will be accepted through February 11, 2020. The regulations that would be amended include 40 CFR 60 – Standards of Performance for New Stationary Source and 40 CFR 63 – National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories. The effect of the proposed action on these regulationse is as follows:
  • Subpart A, General Provisions, of 40 CFR 60 would be revised to add ASTM D2369-10, SW-846-6010D, SW-846-6020B, GPA Standards 2166-17 and 2174-14, and ISO 10715:1997 to the list of incorporations by reference and to re-number the remaining standards that are incorporated by reference in alpha-numeric order;
  • Subpart CCCC, standards of Performance for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units, of 40 CFR 60 would be revised to clarify that (1) initial and annual performance testing for particulate matter (PM) for waste-burning kilns and energy recovery units (ERU) is to be conducted using Method 5 or Method 29 of Appendix A of part 60; (2) the required particulate matter continuous parameter monitoring system (PM CPMS) is used to demonstrate continuing compliance with the PM emission limit; and (3) heat input information must be reported for each ERU;
  • Table 2 of subpart JJJJ, standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines, of 40 CFR 60 would be revised to add text to clarify that when stack gas flowrate measurements are necessary; and
  • Subpart A, General Provisions, of 40 CFR 63 would be revised amending the definition of alternative test method to exclude “that is not a test method in this chapter and” and adding ASTM D 4457, ASTM D 4747, ASTM D 4827, and ASTM D 5910 to the list of incorporations by reference.
Source: Proposed Rule, Test Methods and Performance Specifications for Air Emission Sources (Dec. 13, 2019). 

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