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EPA Launches Smart Sectors Program

In the September 26, 2017 Federal Register, EPA announced the creation of the Smart Sectors program in the Office of Policy. The program will “re-examine how EPA engages with industry in order to reduce unnecessary regulatory burden, create certainty and predictability, and improve the ability of both EPA and industry to conduct long-term term regulatory planning.” As part of the Smart Sectors program, EPA will designate staff-level points of contact who are knowledgeable about the specific industries and will act as liaisons between industry trade groups and companies, EPA, state and local governments, and other stakeholder groups. The three primary focus areas will be: building relationships and customer service to identified sectors; developing additional expertise in the industries’ operations and environmental performance; and informing the planning of future policies, regulations, and agency processes. Currently, EPA has identified the following sectors it will work with in the program: Aerospace Agriculture Automotive Cement and concrete Chemical manufacturing Construction Electronics and technology Iron and steel Oil and gas Ports and marine Utilities and power generation Forestry and paper products Mining Sources: EPA, Notice EPA Smart Sectors Program Launch, 82 FR 44783, September 26, 2017 EPA, Notice, EPA Smart Sectors Program Launch (correction), 82 FR 45586, September 29, 2017

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