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Approval of copper pyrithione and clothianidin as active substances [EU]

Regulations (EU) 2015/984 and 2015/985 of 24 June 2015 approve copper pyrithione and clothianidin  as existing active substances for use in biocidal products for product-types 21 (Antifouling products) and 18 (Insecticides, acaricides and products to control other arthropods), respectively.

The two substances are approved with effect from 1 October 2016.

The specific conditions under which the substances may be approved are indicated in the Annexes to the Regulations.


Reminder about the new version of the Registry for Biocidal Products

As a reminder, in a press release issued on 27 April 2015, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced the release of the new version of the Registry for Biocidal Products (R4BP 3).

  • The first new feature allows companies to submit multiple change requests for product authorizations in parallel, thus making the registry more user-friendly.
  • The second feature enhances visibility and synchronisation between applications submitted for a group of assets, thus reducing the administrative work and the communication time.
Red-On-Line Jurist


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