The TRBS 1201 standard “Testing of work equipment and equipment requiring supervision” has been supplemented to include the inspection of lift systems

On 9 November 2023, amendment to the TRBS 1201 standard, part 4, “Inspection of Lift Systems” was published in the Gemeinsames Ministerialblatt (Joint Ministerial Gazette – official publication of the federal government). In accordance with the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (Betriebssicherheitsverordnung), the TRBS 1201 standard “Testing of work equipment and equipment requiring supervision” was supplemented to include the inspection of lift systems with regard to the lift-building interface. This addition identifies the interfaces to be tested between the lift and the building and specifies the tests required
The tests include:
the fire alarm system;
the systems for automatic evacuation in the event of fire;
the shaft smoke extraction system;
accessibility for maintenance;
the labelling;
the building-specific requirements.