New Report on Climate Change 2015 [UK]
- #Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) have published a report entitled Committee on Climate Change’s 2015 Progress Report: Government Response.
The report details the government’s response to issues raised on carbon budgets and preparing for climate change.
Government response summary
The government addresses the five main recommendations and then provides more detailed responses to the other issues of mitigation and adaptation.
Their response to mitigation covers the 35 recommendations regarding meeting carbon budgets, as well as the Adaptation Sub-Committee’s 36 recommendations on preparing for the impacts of climate change.
For further information, please refer to the relevant summary, adaptation or mitigation document.
Red-on-line EHS Legalist
Committee on Climate Change’s 2015 Progress Report: Government Response on its webpage
The report entitled Committee on Climate Change’s 2015 Progress Report: Government Response published on DECC and DEFRA webpage on 15th October 2015.
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