US | Methylene Chloride Risk Evaluation Completed by EPA
- #Chemicals
- #Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- #EPA
- #Health & Safety
- #Regulations
- #safety
- #Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)

In the June 24, 2020 edition of the Federal Register, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it finalized the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) risk evaluation for methylene chloride. This is the first completed risk evaluation of the new process mandated by the 2016 modifications to TSCA.
EPA found unreasonable risks of injury to human health, but did not find unreasonable risks of injury to the environment. As a result, EPA is required to undertake risk management actions to ensure safe use of the chemical to protect human health.
Risks to Human Health
- Aerosol degreasers/cleaners
- Adhesives/sealants
- Paint brush cleaners
- Lubricants
- Arts and crafts glue
- Automobile care products