Meet the Red-on-line team at the Safety and Health Expo London

Safety and Health Expo 2016 London
When: 21st – 23rd June, 2016
Where: ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway
Safety and Health Expo 2016 London. The event will take place from the 21st to 23rd June at the ExCeL London. This year the event will host a range of seminars and presentations including high profile keynote speakers from across the industry. They will be sharing their knowledge and expertise of the issues involving health and safety.
The key issues that will be discussed include occupational health, lone workers and fleet safety. Moreover, there are two additional health and safety topics included in this year’s event: The new FPA Fire & Evacuation Theatre and the Training & Career Zone.
The Red-on-line team will also be making an appearance at the event. You can have a chance to stop by and chat with the experts at their exhibition stand.
If you are unable to make it to this years’ Safety and Health Expo, we will be attending other events and conferences through out the year.
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