Meet Red-on-line at Axiom Groupe EHS 4.0 conference in Madrid, Spain
The 4th Industrial revolution has already started to transform the way businesses manage their EHS compliance and risks. With A.I, IOT and Big Data destined to take center stage, the sophistication of connected devices and the growing volume of data pose an exciting challenge and opportunity to both companies and EHS technology suppliers.
EHS 4.0 will transform the way we manage our EHS regulatory compliance and risks. Successful businesses tend to anticipate those changes in advance and adapt themselves with the essential expertise and tools, and more importantly, build a long term partnership with a like-minded EHS solution provider who can guide them through their current and future challenges.
Red-on-line has been developing EHS solutions for businesses for over 20 years now, this year we joined forces with our clients to have an in-depth understanding of their present and future challenges and align our development program with their future compliance and technological needs in mind. Watch this short video to know how our clients help us to improve our EHS solutions.
Here’s your chance if you’re in Spain to explore our extensive range of EHS solutions and how it can help improve your EHS compliance and performance. Meet Marc Corbella Aldrich, Sales Manager – Red-on-line at the Axiom Groupe EHS 4.0 conference from 21 – 22 February 2019 at the Hotel Mayorazgo, Madrid, Spain.
Click the link below to connect with Marc via LinkedIn and meet him at the event to discuss your EHS compliance and technology challenges.
If you haven’t registered to EHS 4.0 yet, click here to register.