EU: Commission Notice Published on Energy Transmission Infrastructure and EU Nature Legislation

- Chapters 1 and 2: Provides an overview of EU policies regarding energy infrastructure and how this can have an impact on Natura 2000 sites and other protected species
- Chapter 3: Assesses the different types of potential impacts that transmission infrastructure can have on habitat types and species protected by EU nature Directives
- Chapter 4 and 5: Identifies mitigation measures that can be implemented during various stages of the plan and project cycles, including technical recommendations for remedial measures
- Chapter 6: Outlines the benefits for taking more strategic and integrated approaches to planning such projects, minimising conflicts with the EU nature legislation, whilst providing an overview of how impact assessments can streamline projects
- Chapter 7: Describes the permitting procedure under Article 6 of the Habitats Directive, providing practical advice on how to apply this permitting procedure in the context of energy transmission infrastructure
- Chapter 8: Looks at specific projects within the marine environment, including oil and gas, tidal, wind and wave infrastructure, providing best practices that can be used