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Consultation Conclusion for EU Emissions Trading System [UK]

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Views are being sought on proposed changes to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), specifically amendments to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations 2012.

The consultation states that main changes are to:

  • introduce rules for the allocation of free allowances to the UK’s small emitters and hospital opt-out scheme; and
  • clarify the existing rules on the start date of a permanent cessation of regulated activities by an operator in the EU ETS where a temporary cessation becomes permanent.

The consultation outcome includes a summary of responses by the government, who holds that the majority of respondents support the approach of allowing operators to move from the opt-out scheme to the full EU ETS.

In addition it also states that respondents agree that proposed penalties and appeals processes are fair.

For further details, refer directly to the government response consultation document.

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The Consultation Outcome: EU ETS consultation on amendments to greenhouse gas regulations 2012 published on 9th November 2015 on the Department of Energy & Climate Change’s webpage.

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