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UK: Consultation Involving Commitment to Develop a Single Radioactive Waste Strategy for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Announced

A consultation has been published aimed at ascertaining the viewpoints of stakeholders that would be impacted by the creation of a single radioactive waste strategy by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). The 2016 NDA Statergy set out a committment to develop a single radioactive waste stratergy, in order to provide sustainable solutions for such wastes, impacting England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.This will set out to provide:
  • a framework for making decisions flexibly, ensuring safe, environmentally acceptable and cost-effective solutions that reflect the nature of the radioactive waste concerned
  • a consolidated position and greater clarity of our strategic needs in this area
  • promotes cross-category waste management opportunities
  • support a risk-based approach to waste management
  • an integrated programme for a suitable and timely waste management infrastructure to support the NDA mission
The consultation aims to ascertain the viewpoints of stakeholders impacted by the creation of such a stratergy. The consultation runs from 30th July 2018 through to 31st October 2018 and is run by both the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BIS). Source: Consultation Launched Involving Commitment to Develop a Single Radioactive Waste Strategy for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Announced, published on gov.uk.

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